Severe Degenerative Injury with Joint Space Collapse at C1-C2
First Place: Dr. Douglas Langer, Sara Clark, Dr. Lindsay Monroe, Dr. Kari Means, and Dr. Jennifer Gold, Wisconsin Equine Clinic and Hospital – Severe Degenerative Injury with Joint Space Collapse at C1-C2
Recognized for exceptional image quality, innovative case selection, and critical diagnostic insights contributing significantly to case management and clinical decision-making.
10-year-old Arabian Saddlebred cross mare
Patient was referred for evaluation of the head and neck after the referring veterinarian identified an abnormal noise and palpable movement in the cranial cervical region. On examination, the mare did not exhibit signs of pain, though a loud, dull noise was noted during neck movement, originating in the upper cervical area. The mare did not display any protective posturing or abnormal head positioning.
Severe degenerative injury and joint space collapse at the C1-C2 articulation, accompanied by extensive subchondral and trabecular bone abnormalities, indicating permanent structural damage to the joint.