Over the past two decades the equine cervical spine has been extensively researched and advanced imaging modalities like CT and CT-myelography have revolutionized diagnostic and therapeutic capabilities available to equine practitioners. This highly practical course will provide equine practitioners with the knowledge and practical skills to competently examine, diagnose and treat horses affected by neck conditions through the following practical sessions: Neurologic examination (ataxia vs. lameness), CSF tap techniques (incl. US-guidance), neck ultrasound, facet joint injections, x-ray of the neck/ head, guttural pouch endoscopy, nerve blocks for head shakers, neck conditions case discussions, cervical fusion surgery & myelogram demonstrations.
Dr. Steve Reed DVM, Dipl. ACVIM – Rood & Riddle Equine Hospital, KY, USA
Dr. Brett Woodie DVM, MS, Dipl.ACVS – Rood & Riddle Equine Hospital, KY, USA