Asto CT Introduces a 92 cm Tapered Bore to its Equina® Standing CT Scanner
Asto CT, Inc. (Middleton/Madison, WI), developers of the Equina®, the world’s first dual axis computed tomography (CT) scanner for imaging of mildly sedated standing equine patients, is proud to announce the release of its 92cm Tapered Bore with extended cervical spine and proximal limb coverage.
The Equina system has been specifically designed to overcome the operational challenges of conventional CT scanning of the distal limbs and the head and neck of horses. “This latest modification to open the front end of the CT scanner greatly enhances the versatility of the Equina by allowing imaging capability for a wider variety of horses both standing and under general anesthesia.” said Dr. David Ergun, CEO of Asto CT
Asto CT is committed to ongoing development of the Equina imaging system in collaboration with its CT users. “This recent innovation has been developed to address the growing need to perform cross-sectional imaging of the caudal cervical region and proximal limbs such as the stifle.” said Dr. JR Lund, Radiologist, University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Veterinary Medicine (SVM)
The new tapered bore was immediately put to the test at the SVM. The first subject was a standing 10-year-old Thoroughbred mare, where CT scanning easily reached mid-C4 standing. The clinical team at SVM was particularly pleased at how easy it was to position the standing horse in the CT scanner with the wider 92cm opening.
The clinical team also scanned a young neurologic Quarter Horse which had been euthanatized and were able to reach the cranial aspect of T3.
3D image reconstruction showing cervical spine up to the caudal aspect of T3 in a young Quarter Horse.
Asto CT will be participating in the American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP) Annual Convention and Tradeshow in San Antonio, TX, where attendees will be able to learn more about the Equina and meet our team of experts during the meeting.
About Asto CT, Inc.
Asto CT is the producer of Equina, a first-in-class standing CT system for equine patients offering unparalleled diagnostic quality imaging to the equine community. The Equina system was designed by and for veterinary use offering simple patient positioning, fast imaging acquisition and rugged system design to withstand the rigors of veterinary practice. More information can be found on the company’s website: Asto CT - Equine Standing CT
Asto CT and Equina are registered trademarks of Asto CT Inc.